General Practitioner (GP) and Physician Associate (PA) appointments:

Booking an appointment or for any other query is a simple online form which takes a few moments to fill out. We will get back to you within 1 working day. Most of the time this means you’ll get a response the same day. If it’s urgent we will get back to you as quickly as we can.

If you don’t have access to the internet, or would be unable to use the form for another reason, you can still contact the practice on 020 8788 0686 and we will fill out the form on your behalf. You can also call for anything that is too urgent to wait up to 1 working day.

Practice Nurse and Healthcare Assistant (HCA) appointments:

Nurse and HCA appointments can be booked  online via our ONLINE CONTACT FORM or via telephone and are usually 15 minutes in duration. Our large team of nurses all have different skills, if you are booking an appointment online, please check the below table to ensure the nurse you book with can see you for your particular issue.

Some appointments may require more than 15 minutes. If you need more than a single 15 minute appointment with the nurse, please phone the practice to book.

Putneymead have an in-house counselling team which can be accessed without the need of a GP referral. We provide “Direct Access” face to face and telephone appointments. These are available to book online or by calling the practice directly. During these initial consultations, the counsellor will be able to assess whether you would benefit from continued counselling at Putneymead or a referral to another service.

Pharmacists:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             We offer Prescription query appointments, which are 10 minute appointments over the phone to offer assistance with requests which are specific to medication.

First Contact Physiotherapy:

What is First Contact Physiotherapy? First Contact Physiotherapists (FCP) are experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapists, who have a number of years experience working in MSK. This means that a patient can see an experienced physiotherapist for an assessment directly at their GP practice, without needing to see a GP or be referred externally.